Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Campus Climate and BSU meetings

The Black Student Union is meeting (today! right now!) again in the Mulroy Lounge (across from the President's office in Lewis) to discuss more issues and follow-up on the campus incident last week.

I personally think it's pretty lame and pathetic that someone would spray paint the N word on a dorm wall here on this little campus. What is the cowardly, passive-aggressive culprit trying to prove? Maybe this incident says more about the backwards mindset of many individuals that lingers on today.

Also, Campus Climate is getting back to the action! The group that organized much of last year's International Week will be holding an Open Forum Wednesday, October 29, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Springer Suites, and you're invited! The topic is, "How Big is Enough?" I don't know what that pertains to, but I will be emailing Nkuzi and Angela Frazier to find out.


Maryann Pisano said...

I completely agree. I cannot believe that it is the year 2008 and racial slurs and stereotypes still exist. It really upsets me when Italian-Americans are potrayed as over weight, cheating, mobsters. Only 2% of Italian- Americans are involved in organized crime. And we don't eat pasta everyday- even though it's amazing!
I think everyone should keep their views to themselves. Stop being so ignorant!

Charlotte Mutesha said...


Yes! It IS lame, and people need to get over themselves.

p.s. I would probably eat pasta every day if I could. ;)

Jeff Carlson said...

I'm looking forward to the open forum. I'll be there and from what I understand, it will be very wide-ranging in topics, with a major focus on growth in enrollments, e.g. is there a "cap" on growth and is some growth an opportunity or a threat?